Feature Engineering and Training our Model

We’ll first setup the glue context in which we can read the glue data catalog, as well as setup some constants.

import sys
from awsglue.transforms import *
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job

glueContext = GlueContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate())

database_name = '2019reinventWorkshop'
canonical_table_name = "canonical"
Starting Spark application
IDYARN Application IDKindStateSpark UIDriver logCurrent session?
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
SparkSession available as 'spark'.
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…

Reading the Data using the Catalog

Using the glue context, we can read in the data. This is done by using the glue data catalog and looking up the data

Here we can see there are 500 million records

taxi_data = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database=database_name, table_name=canonical_table_name)
print("2018/2019 Taxi Data Count: ", taxi_data.count())
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
2018/2019 Taxi Data Count:  452091095
|-- vendorid: string
|-- pickup_datetime: timestamp
|-- dropoff_datetime: timestamp
|-- pulocationid: long
|-- dolocationid: long
|-- type: string

Caching in Spark

We’ll use the taxi dataframe a bit repeatitively, so we’ll cache it ehre and show some sample records.

df = taxi_data.toDF().cache()
df.show(10, False)
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
|vendorid|pickup_datetime    |dropoff_datetime   |pulocationid|dolocationid|type |
|null    |null               |null               |null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:18:50|2018-01-01 00:24:39|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:30:26|2018-01-01 00:46:42|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:07:25|2018-01-01 00:19:45|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:32:40|2018-01-01 00:33:41|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:32:40|2018-01-01 00:33:41|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:38:35|2018-01-01 01:08:50|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:18:41|2018-01-01 00:28:22|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:38:02|2018-01-01 00:55:02|null        |null        |green|
|null    |2018-01-01 00:05:02|2018-01-01 00:18:35|null        |null        |green|
only showing top 10 rows

Removing invalid dates

When we originally looked at this data, we saw that it had a lot of bad data in it, and timestamps that were outside the range that are valid. Let’s ensure we are only using the valid records when aggregating and creating our time series.

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_date, lit
from pyspark.sql.types import TimestampType

dates = ("2018-01-01",  "2019-07-01")
date_from, date_to = [to_date(lit(s)).cast(TimestampType()) for s in dates]

df  = df.where((df.pickup_datetime > date_from) & (df.pickup_datetime < date_to))
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…

We need to restructure this so that each time is a single row, and the time series values are in the series, followed by the numerical and categorical features

Creating our time series (from individual records)

Right now they are individual records down to the second level, we’ll create a record at the day level for each record and then count/aggregate over those.

Let’s start by adding a ts_resampled column

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, max as max_, min as min_

## day = seconds*minutes*hours
unit = 60 * 60 * 24
epoch = (col("pickup_datetime").cast("bigint") / unit).cast("bigint") * unit

with_epoch = df.withColumn("epoch", epoch)

min_epoch, max_epoch = with_epoch.select(min_("epoch"), max_("epoch")).first()

# Reference range
ref = spark.range(
    min_epoch, max_epoch + 1, unit

resampled_df = (ref
    .join(with_epoch, "epoch", "left")
    .withColumn("ts_resampled", col("epoch").cast("timestamp")))


resampled_df.show(10, False)
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
|epoch     |vendorid|pickup_datetime    |dropoff_datetime   |pulocationid|dolocationid|type  |ts_resampled       |
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 04:01:19|2018-01-01 04:06:54|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|null    |2018-01-01 10:55:25|2018-01-01 10:57:42|null        |null        |yellow|2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 03:43:11|2018-01-01 03:53:41|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 04:12:23|2018-01-01 04:36:15|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 05:27:22|2018-01-01 06:01:18|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 04:50:57|2018-01-01 04:56:17|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 04:23:56|2018-01-01 05:17:40|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 17:03:23|2018-01-01 17:33:46|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 17:48:59|2018-01-01 17:58:42|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
|1514764800|fhv     |2018-01-01 15:57:23|2018-01-01 16:09:00|null        |null        |fhv   |2018-01-01 00:00:00|
only showing top 10 rows

Creating our time series data

You can see now that we are resampling per day the resample column, in which we can now aggregate across.

from pyspark.sql import functions as func

count_per_day_resamples = resampled_df.groupBy(["ts_resampled", "type"]).count()
count_per_day_resamples.show(10, False)
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
|ts_resampled       |type  |count |
|2019-04-10 00:00:00|green |17165 |
|2018-02-21 00:00:00|green |25651 |
|2018-11-11 00:00:00|yellow|257698|
|2019-02-22 00:00:00|fhv   |65041 |
|2018-03-15 00:00:00|yellow|348198|
|2018-12-30 00:00:00|fhv   |683406|
|2019-03-07 00:00:00|yellow|291098|
|2018-11-28 00:00:00|green |22899 |
|2018-03-05 00:00:00|yellow|290631|
|2018-11-20 00:00:00|yellow|278900|
only showing top 10 rows

We restructure it so that each taxi type is it’s own column in the dataset.

time_series_df = count_per_day_resamples.groupBy(["ts_resampled"])\

FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
|ts_resampled       |fhv   |green|yellow|
|2019-06-18 00:00:00|69383 |15545|242304|
|2018-12-13 00:00:00|822745|24585|308411|
|2019-03-21 00:00:00|47855 |20326|274057|
|2018-09-09 00:00:00|794608|20365|256918|
|2018-01-31 00:00:00|640887|26667|319256|
|2018-08-16 00:00:00|717045|22113|277677|
|2018-03-21 00:00:00|508492|11981|183629|
|2018-09-20 00:00:00|723583|23378|298630|
|2018-05-15 00:00:00|689620|25458|309023|
|2018-12-24 00:00:00|640740|19314|185895|
only showing top 10 rows

Local Data Manipulation

Now that we an aggregated time series that is much smaller – let’s send this back to the local python environment off the spark cluster on Glue.

%%spark -o time_series_df
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…

We are in the local panda/python environment now

import pandas as pd

time_series_df = time_series_df.set_index('ts_resampled', drop=True)
time_series_df = time_series_df.sort_index()

ts_resampled    datetime64[ns]
fhv                      int64
green                    int64
yellow                   int64
dtype: object
VBox(children=(HBox(children=(HTML(value='Type:'), Button(description='Table', layout=Layout(width='70px'), st…

We’ll create the training window next, We are going to predict the next week


## number of time-steps that the model is trained to predict
prediction_length = 14

n_weeks = 4
end_training = time_series_df.index[-n_weeks*prediction_length]
print('end training time', end_training)

time_series = []
for ts in time_series_df.columns:

time_series_training = []
for ts in time_series_df.columns:
end training time 2019-05-06 00:00:00

We’ll install matplotlib in the local kernel to visualize this.

!pip install matplotlib > /dev/null

Visualizing the training and test dataset:

In this next cell, we can see how the training and test datasets are split up. Since this is time series, we don’t do a random split, instead, we look at how far in the future we are predicting and using that a a knob.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#cols_float = time_series_df.drop(['pulocationid', 'dolocationid'], axis=1).columns
cols_float = time_series_df.columns
cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('Spectral')
colors = cmap(np.arange(0,len(cols_float))/len(cols_float))

for c in range(len(cols_float)):
    plt.plot(time_series_df.loc[:end_training][cols_float[c]], alpha=0.5, color=colors[c], label=cols_float[c]);
plt.legend(loc='center left');
for c in range(len(cols_float)):
    plt.plot(time_series_df.loc[end_training:][cols_float[c]], alpha=0.25, color=colors[c], label=None);
plt.axvline(x=end_training, color='k', linestyle=':');
plt.text(time_series_df.index[int((time_series_df.shape[0]-n_weeks*prediction_length)*0.75)], time_series_df.max().max()/2, 'Train');
plt.text(time_series_df.index[time_series_df.shape[0]-int(n_weeks*prediction_length/2)], time_series_df.max().max()/2, 'Test');

Cleaning our Time Series

FHV still has the issue – the time series drops when the law is in place.

we still need to pull in the FHV HV dataset starting in Feb. This represents the rideshare apps going to a difference licence type under the NYC TLC.

## we are running back on spark now
fhvhv_data = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database=database_name, table_name="fhvhv")
fhvhv_df = fhvhv_data.toDF().cache()
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…

Let’s filter the time range just in case we have additional bad records here.

fhvhv_df = fhvhv_df.where((fhvhv_df.pickup_datetime > date_from) & (fhvhv_df.pickup_datetime < date_to)).cache()

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_timestamp
fhvhv_df = fhvhv_df.withColumn("pickup_datetime", to_timestamp("pickup_datetime", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
fhvhv_df.show(5, False)
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
|hvfhs_license_num|dispatching_base_num|pickup_datetime    |dropoff_datetime   |pulocationid|dolocationid|sr_flag|
|HV0003           |B02867              |2019-02-01 00:05:18|2019-02-01 00:14:57|245         |251         |null   |
|HV0003           |B02879              |2019-02-01 00:41:29|2019-02-01 00:49:39|216         |197         |null   |
|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:51:34|2019-02-01 01:28:29|261         |234         |null   |
|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:03:51|2019-02-01 00:07:16|87          |87          |null   |
|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:09:44|2019-02-01 00:39:56|87          |198         |null   |
only showing top 5 rows

Let’s first create our rollup column for the time resampling

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, max as max_, min as min_

## day = seconds*minutes*hours
unit = 60 * 60 * 24

epoch = (col("pickup_datetime").cast("bigint") / unit).cast("bigint") * unit

with_epoch = fhvhv_df.withColumn("epoch", epoch)

min_epoch, max_epoch = with_epoch.select(min_("epoch"), max_("epoch")).first()

ref = spark.range(
    min_epoch, max_epoch + 1, unit

resampled_fhvhv_df = (ref
    .join(with_epoch, "epoch", "left")
    .withColumn("ts_resampled", col("epoch").cast("timestamp")))

resampled_fhvhv_df = resampled_fhvhv_df.cache()

resampled_fhvhv_df.show(10, False)
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
|epoch     |hvfhs_license_num|dispatching_base_num|pickup_datetime    |dropoff_datetime   |pulocationid|dolocationid|sr_flag|ts_resampled       |
|1548979200|HV0003           |B02867              |2019-02-01 00:05:18|2019-02-01 00:14:57|245         |251         |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0003           |B02879              |2019-02-01 00:41:29|2019-02-01 00:49:39|216         |197         |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:51:34|2019-02-01 01:28:29|261         |234         |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:03:51|2019-02-01 00:07:16|87          |87          |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:09:44|2019-02-01 00:39:56|87          |198         |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:59:55|2019-02-01 01:06:28|198         |198         |1      |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:12:06|2019-02-01 00:42:13|161         |148         |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0005           |B02510              |2019-02-01 00:45:35|2019-02-01 01:14:56|148         |21          |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0003           |B02867              |2019-02-01 00:10:48|2019-02-01 00:20:23|226         |260         |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
|1548979200|HV0003           |B02867              |2019-02-01 00:32:32|2019-02-01 00:40:25|7           |223         |null   |2019-02-01 00:00:00|
only showing top 10 rows

Create our Time Series now

from pyspark.sql import functions as func
count_per_day_resamples = resampled_fhvhv_df.groupBy(["ts_resampled"]).count()
count_per_day_resamples.show(10, False)
fhvhv_timeseries_df = count_per_day_resamples
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
|ts_resampled       |count |
|2019-06-18 00:00:00|692171|
|2019-03-21 00:00:00|809819|
|2019-05-03 00:00:00|815626|
|2019-05-12 00:00:00|857727|
|2019-04-25 00:00:00|689853|
|2019-03-10 00:00:00|812902|
|2019-04-30 00:00:00|655312|
|2019-06-26 00:00:00|663954|
|2019-06-06 00:00:00|682378|
|2019-02-06 00:00:00|663516|
only showing top 10 rows

Now we bring this new time series back locally to join it w/ the existing one.

%%spark -o fhvhv_timeseries_df
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…
FloatProgress(value=0.0, bar_style='info', description='Progress:', layout=Layout(height='25px', width='50%'),…

We rename the count column to be fhvhv so we can join it w/ the other dataframe

fhvhv_timeseries_df = fhvhv_timeseries_df.rename(columns={"count": "fhvhv"})
fhvhv_timeseries_df = fhvhv_timeseries_df.set_index('ts_resampled', drop=True)

Visualizing all the time series data

When we look at the FHVHV dataset starting in Feb 1st, you can see the time series looks normal and there isn’t a giant drop in the dataset on that day.

plt.plot(time_series_df.join(fhvhv_timeseries_df), marker='8', linestyle='--')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f31f90e32e8>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f31f90aa518>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f31f90aa6d8>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f31f90aa828>]

But now we need to combine the FHV and FHVHV dataset

Let’s create a new dataset and call it full_fhv meaning both for-hire-vehicles and for-hire-vehicles high volume.

full_timeseries = time_series_df.join(fhvhv_timeseries_df)
full_timeseries = full_timeseries.fillna(0)
full_timeseries['full_fhv'] = full_timeseries['fhv'] + full_timeseries['fhvhv']
full_timeseries = full_timeseries.drop(['fhv', 'fhvhv'], axis=1)

full_timeseries = full_timeseries.fillna(0)

Visualizing the joined dataset

plt.plot(full_timeseries, marker='8', linestyle='--')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f31f9064080>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f31f9027780>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f31f9027860>]

Looking at the training/test split now

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#cols_float = time_series_df.drop(['pulocationid', 'dolocationid'], axis=1).columns
cols_float = full_timeseries.columns
cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('Spectral')
colors = cmap(np.arange(0,len(cols_float))/len(cols_float))

for c in range(len(cols_float)):
    plt.plot(full_timeseries.loc[:end_training][cols_float[c]], alpha=0.5, color=colors[c], label=cols_float[c]);
plt.legend(loc='center left');
for c in range(len(cols_float)):
    plt.plot(full_timeseries.loc[end_training:][cols_float[c]], alpha=0.25, color=colors[c], label=None);
plt.axvline(x=end_training, color='k', linestyle=':');
plt.text(full_timeseries.index[int((full_timeseries.shape[0]-n_weeks*prediction_length)*0.75)], full_timeseries.max().max()/2, 'Train');
plt.text(full_timeseries.index[full_timeseries.shape[0]-int(n_weeks*prediction_length/2)], full_timeseries.max().max()/2, 'Test');
import json
import boto3

end_training = full_timeseries.index[-n_weeks*prediction_length]
print('end training time', end_training)

time_series = []
for ts in full_timeseries.columns:

time_series_training = []
for ts in full_timeseries.columns:

import sagemaker
sagemaker_session = sagemaker.Session()
bucket = sagemaker_session.default_bucket()

key_prefix = '2019workshop-deepar/'

s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
def series_to_obj(ts, cat=None):
    obj = {"start": str(ts.index[0]), "target": list(ts)}
    if cat:
        obj["cat"] = cat
    return obj

def series_to_jsonline(ts, cat=None):
    return json.dumps(series_to_obj(ts, cat))

encoding = "utf-8"
data = ''

for ts in time_series_training:
    data = data + series_to_jsonline(ts)
    data = data + '\n'

s3_client.put_object(Body=data.encode(encoding), Bucket=bucket, Key=key_prefix + 'data/train/train.json')

data = ''
for ts in time_series:
    data = data + series_to_jsonline(ts)
    data = data + '\n'

s3_client.put_object(Body=data.encode(encoding), Bucket=bucket, Key=key_prefix + 'data/test/test.json')
end training time 2019-05-06 00:00:00
{'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '080F10A207131EEC',
  'HostId': 'QunHqencw40NUjnNNHS/tFdSLN45HBmNRNPG2VNRqUxbZAZV3gg1Yc5caHB1IN+bl0VnnLNinaY=',
  'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
  'HTTPHeaders': {'x-amz-id-2': 'QunHqencw40NUjnNNHS/tFdSLN45HBmNRNPG2VNRqUxbZAZV3gg1Yc5caHB1IN+bl0VnnLNinaY=',
   'x-amz-request-id': '080F10A207131EEC',
   'date': 'Sat, 30 Nov 2019 16:26:35 GMT',
   'etag': '"3d0c723b9f128d637f003391b7546c16"',
   'content-length': '0',
   'server': 'AmazonS3'},
  'RetryAttempts': 0},
 'ETag': '"3d0c723b9f128d637f003391b7546c16"'}

Setting our data and output locations

import boto3
import s3fs
import sagemaker
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
sagemaker_session = sagemaker.Session()
role = get_execution_role()

s3_data_path = "{}/{}data".format(bucket, key_prefix)
s3_output_path = "{}/{}output".format(bucket, key_prefix)

Setting up the DeepAR Algorithm settings


region = sagemaker_session.boto_region_name
image_name = sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.get_image_uri(region, "forecasting-deepar", "latest")

estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(
    output_path="s3://" + s3_output_path

## context_length = The number of time-points that the model gets to see before making the prediction.
context_length = 14

hyperparameters = {
    "time_freq": "D",
    "context_length": str(context_length),
    "prediction_length": str(prediction_length),
    "num_cells": "40",
    "num_layers": "3",
    "likelihood": "gaussian",
    "epochs": "100",
    "mini_batch_size": "32",
    "learning_rate": "0.001",
    "dropout_rate": "0.05",
    "early_stopping_patience": "10"


Kicking off the training


    "train": "s3://{}/train/".format(s3_data_path),
    "test": "s3://{}/test/".format(s3_data_path)
2019-11-30 16:26:45 Starting - Starting the training job...
2019-11-30 16:27:13 Starting - Launching requested ML instances.........
2019-11-30 16:28:18 Starting - Preparing the instances for training...
2019-11-30 16:29:07 Downloading - Downloading input data...
2019-11-30 16:29:41 Training - Training image download completed. Training in progress..Arguments: train
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Reading default configuration from /opt/amazon/lib/python.7/site-packages/algorithm/resources/default-input.json: {u'num_dynamic_feat': u'auto', u'dropout_rate': u'0.10', u'mini_batch_size': u'128', u'test_quantiles': u'[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]', u'_tuning_objective_metric': u'', u'_num_gpus': u'auto', u'num_eval_samples': u'100', u'learning_rate': u'0.001', u'num_cells': u'40', u'num_layers': u'2', u'embedding_dimension': u'10', u'_kvstore': u'auto', u'_num_kv_servers': u'auto', u'cardinality': u'auto', u'likelihood': u'student-t', u'early_stopping_patience': u''}
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Reading provided configuration from /opt/ml/input/config/hyperparameters.json: {u'dropout_rate': u'0.05', u'learning_rate': u'0.001', u'num_cells': u'40', u'prediction_length': u'14', u'epochs': u'100', u'time_freq': u'D', u'context_length': u'14', u'num_layers': u'3', u'mini_batch_size': u'32', u'likelihood': u'gaussian', u'early_stopping_patience': u'10'}
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Final configuration: {u'dropout_rate': u'0.05', u'test_quantiles': u'[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]', u'_tuning_objective_metric': u'', u'num_eval_samples': u'100', u'learning_rate': u'0.001', u'num_layers': u'3', u'epochs': u'100', u'embedding_dimension': u'10', u'num_cells': u'40', u'_num_kv_servers': u'auto', u'mini_batch_size': u'32', u'likelihood': u'gaussian', u'num_dynamic_feat': u'auto', u'cardinality': u'auto', u'_num_gpus': u'auto', u'prediction_length': u'14', u'time_freq': u'D', u'context_length': u'14', u'_kvstore': u'auto', u'early_stopping_patience': u'10'}
Process 1 is a worker.
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Detected entry point for worker worker
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Using early stopping with patience 10
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] [cardinality=auto] cat field was NOT found in the file /opt/ml/input/data/train/train.json and will NOT be used for training.
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] [num_dynamic_feat=auto] dynamic_feat field was NOT found in the file /opt/ml/input/data/train/train.json and will NOT be used for training.
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Training set statistics:
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Integer time series
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] number of time series: 3
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] number of observations: 1473
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] mean target length: 491
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] min/mean/max target: 5.0/342890.394433/1039874.0
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] mean abs(target): 342890.394433
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] contains missing values: no
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Small number of time series. Doing 10 number of passes over dataset per epoch.
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Test set statistics:
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Integer time series
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] number of time series: 3
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] number of observations: 1638
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] mean target length: 546
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] min/mean/max target: 5.0/342546.620269/1039874.0
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] mean abs(target): 342546.620269
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] contains missing values: no
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] nvidia-smi took: 0.0251910686493 secs to identify 0 gpus
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Number of GPUs being used: 0
[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Create Store: local
#metrics {"Metrics": {"get_graph.time": {"count": 1, "max": 72.59106636047363, "sum": 72.59106636047363, "min": 72.59106636047363}}, "EndTime": 1575131383.872348, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131383.79892}

[11/30/2019 16:29:43 INFO 140657760761664] Number of GPUs being used: 0
#metrics {"Metrics": {"initialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 179.97288703918457, "sum": 179.97288703918457, "min": 179.97288703918457}}, "EndTime": 1575131383.979019, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131383.872428}

[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[0] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=13.084117
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=0, batch=0 train loss <loss>=13.0841169357
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[0] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=12.561649
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=0, batch=5 train loss <loss>=12.5616491636
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[0] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1082.40 samples/sec#011loss=12.561649
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 304 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"epochs": {"count": 1, "max": 100, "sum": 100.0, "min": 100}, "update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 438.4138584136963, "sum": 438.4138584136963, "min": 438.4138584136963}}, "EndTime": 1575131384.417562, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131383.97908}

[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=693.261703397 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 1 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=0, train loss <loss>=12.4054102898
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_69c66750-0a52-494a-838b-eff95388ff56-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 14.506101608276367, "sum": 14.506101608276367, "min": 14.506101608276367}}, "EndTime": 1575131384.432697, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131384.417626}

[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[1] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.543509
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=1, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.5435094833
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[1] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.853811
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=1, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.8538109461
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[1] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1200.96 samples/sec#011loss=11.853811
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 303 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 313.37714195251465, "sum": 313.37714195251465, "min": 313.37714195251465}}, "EndTime": 1575131384.746183, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131384.432759}

[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=966.559590765 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 2 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=1, train loss <loss>=11.612717247
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_180ffbc0-0b42-4349-aeb2-3dd997e411ee-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 14.13583755493164, "sum": 14.13583755493164, "min": 14.13583755493164}}, "EndTime": 1575131384.760916, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131384.746256}

[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[2] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.307412
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=2, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.3074121475
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[2] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.342184
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=2, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.3421843847
[11/30/2019 16:29:44 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[2] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1186.24 samples/sec#011loss=11.342184
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[2] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.268009
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=2, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.1789993286
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[2] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1131.09 samples/sec#011loss=11.178999
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 328 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 351.1309623718262, "sum": 351.1309623718262, "min": 351.1309623718262}}, "EndTime": 1575131385.112164, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131384.760976}

[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=933.823852992 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 3 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=2, train loss <loss>=11.2680093592
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_cb8228c2-d13f-4282-a8be-6c0110ee4205-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 13.696908950805664, "sum": 13.696908950805664, "min": 13.696908950805664}}, "EndTime": 1575131385.126428, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131385.112241}

[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[3] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.775387
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=3, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.7753868103
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[3] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.569252
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=3, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.5692516963
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[3] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1216.54 samples/sec#011loss=11.569252
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 296 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 320.6939697265625, "sum": 320.6939697265625, "min": 320.6939697265625}}, "EndTime": 1575131385.447235, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131385.126488}

[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=922.675933702 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 4 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=3, train loss <loss>=11.6022842407
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[4] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.529972
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=4, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.5299720764
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[4] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.531543
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=4, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.531542778
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[4] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1128.21 samples/sec#011loss=11.531543
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 308 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 336.6720676422119, "sum": 336.6720676422119, "min": 336.6720676422119}}, "EndTime": 1575131385.784423, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131385.447313}

[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=914.529829482 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 5 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=4, train loss <loss>=11.496231842
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[5] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.429693
[11/30/2019 16:29:45 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=5, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.429693222
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[5] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.502197
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=5, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.5021974246
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[5] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1210.92 samples/sec#011loss=11.502197
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[5] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.288384
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=5, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.0318073273
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[5] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1166.00 samples/sec#011loss=11.031807
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 336 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 367.095947265625, "sum": 367.095947265625, "min": 367.095947265625}}, "EndTime": 1575131386.152045, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131385.7845}

[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=915.037687483 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 6 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=5, train loss <loss>=11.288383744
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[6] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.120630
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=6, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.1206302643
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[6] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.133206
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=6, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.1332060496
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[6] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1149.90 samples/sec#011loss=11.133206
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 305 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 314.59808349609375, "sum": 314.59808349609375, "min": 314.59808349609375}}, "EndTime": 1575131386.467154, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131386.15211}

[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=969.142829437 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 7 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=6, train loss <loss>=11.1763834
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_bc44f47d-8f44-4ede-b4e3-9e726c1c9b8c-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 14.055013656616211, "sum": 14.055013656616211, "min": 14.055013656616211}}, "EndTime": 1575131386.481823, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131386.46723}

[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[7] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.204243
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=7, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.2042427063
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[7] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.445836
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=7, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.4458359083
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[7] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1099.40 samples/sec#011loss=11.445836
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 316 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 322.6950168609619, "sum": 322.6950168609619, "min": 322.6950168609619}}, "EndTime": 1575131386.804633, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131386.481883}

[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=978.940348457 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 8 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=7, train loss <loss>=11.4341204643
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[8] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.525706
[11/30/2019 16:29:46 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=8, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.5257062912
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[8] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.321895
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=8, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.3218946457
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[8] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1002.87 samples/sec#011loss=11.321895
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[8] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.957104
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=8, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.5193548203
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[8] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1042.35 samples/sec#011loss=10.519355
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 326 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 383.8310241699219, "sum": 383.8310241699219, "min": 383.8310241699219}}, "EndTime": 1575131387.189002, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131386.8047}

[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=849.088935738 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 9 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=8, train loss <loss>=10.9571038159
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_3517a004-cfca-454a-a835-341f5c4e6434-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 21.010875701904297, "sum": 21.010875701904297, "min": 21.010875701904297}}, "EndTime": 1575131387.210623, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131387.189077}

[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[9] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.336051
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=9, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.3360509872
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[9] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.312789
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=9, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.3127894402
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[9] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1033.45 samples/sec#011loss=11.312789
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[9] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.353988
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=9, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.403427124
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[9] Batch [10]#011Speed: 881.09 samples/sec#011loss=11.403427
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 336 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 413.4540557861328, "sum": 413.4540557861328, "min": 413.4540557861328}}, "EndTime": 1575131387.624198, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131387.210689}

[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=812.447549835 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 10 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=9, train loss <loss>=11.3539883874
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[10] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.794859
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=10, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.7948589325
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[10] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.195995
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=10, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.1959945361
[11/30/2019 16:29:47 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[10] Batch [5]#011Speed: 949.42 samples/sec#011loss=11.195995
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[10] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.216783
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=10, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.2417282104
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[10] Batch [10]#011Speed: 899.09 samples/sec#011loss=11.241728
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 350 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 435.26315689086914, "sum": 435.26315689086914, "min": 435.26315689086914}}, "EndTime": 1575131388.060028, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131387.624271}

[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=803.899002688 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 11 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=10, train loss <loss>=11.2167825699
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[11] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.323181
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=11, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.3231811523
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[11] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.015685
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=11, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0156849225
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[11] Batch [5]#011Speed: 847.25 samples/sec#011loss=11.015685
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[11] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.156606
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=11, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.3257108688
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[11] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1025.19 samples/sec#011loss=11.325711
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 333 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 455.63697814941406, "sum": 455.63697814941406, "min": 455.63697814941406}}, "EndTime": 1575131388.516234, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131388.060105}

[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=730.671786467 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 12 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=11, train loss <loss>=11.1566058072
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[12] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.386516
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=12, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.3865156174
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[12] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.044365
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=12, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.044365406
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[12] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1024.15 samples/sec#011loss=11.044365
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[12] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.160591
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=12, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.3000627518
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[12] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1059.63 samples/sec#011loss=11.300063
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 335 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 406.9790840148926, "sum": 406.9790840148926, "min": 406.9790840148926}}, "EndTime": 1575131388.923674, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131388.516307}

[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=822.915883581 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 13 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=12, train loss <loss>=11.1605914723
[11/30/2019 16:29:48 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[13] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.314456
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=13, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.314455986
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[13] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.248668
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=13, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.2486680349
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[13] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1105.80 samples/sec#011loss=11.248668
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[13] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.205602
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=13, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.1539218903
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[13] Batch [10]#011Speed: 995.09 samples/sec#011loss=11.153922
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 348 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 397.4108695983887, "sum": 397.4108695983887, "min": 397.4108695983887}}, "EndTime": 1575131389.321589, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131388.923749}

[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=875.46058706 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 14 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=13, train loss <loss>=11.2056016055
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[14] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.776047
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=14, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.7760467529
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[14] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.890142
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=14, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.890141805
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[14] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1192.29 samples/sec#011loss=10.890142
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[14] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.867761
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=14, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.8409036636
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[14] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1086.88 samples/sec#011loss=10.840904
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 328 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 359.12179946899414, "sum": 359.12179946899414, "min": 359.12179946899414}}, "EndTime": 1575131389.681233, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131389.321647}

[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=913.043344833 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 15 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=14, train loss <loss>=10.8677608317
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_0fec42b3-c584-4660-9bba-d7bcd3a29e84-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 17.184019088745117, "sum": 17.184019088745117, "min": 17.184019088745117}}, "EndTime": 1575131389.69897, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131389.681311}

[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[15] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.758276
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=15, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.7582759857
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[15] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.068750
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=15, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0687500636
[11/30/2019 16:29:49 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[15] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1117.68 samples/sec#011loss=11.068750
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 300 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 329.8060894012451, "sum": 329.8060894012451, "min": 329.8060894012451}}, "EndTime": 1575131390.028907, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131389.699043}

[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=909.302658336 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 16 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=15, train loss <loss>=10.9549746513
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[16] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.169759
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=16, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.1697587967
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[16] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.076884
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=16, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0768841108
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[16] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1164.08 samples/sec#011loss=11.076884
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 318 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 340.06404876708984, "sum": 340.06404876708984, "min": 340.06404876708984}}, "EndTime": 1575131390.369544, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131390.028989}

[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=934.826960924 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 17 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=16, train loss <loss>=10.9921466827
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[17] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.118506
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=17, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.1185064316
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[17] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.985323
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=17, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9853231112
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[17] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1146.54 samples/sec#011loss=10.985323
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 309 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 323.4109878540039, "sum": 323.4109878540039, "min": 323.4109878540039}}, "EndTime": 1575131390.693494, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131390.369612}

[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=955.139269164 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 18 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=17, train loss <loss>=11.0881063461
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[18] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.437140
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=18, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.4371395111
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[18] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.002823
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=18, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0028233528
[11/30/2019 16:29:50 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[18] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1213.98 samples/sec#011loss=11.002823
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 318 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 339.57600593566895, "sum": 339.57600593566895, "min": 339.57600593566895}}, "EndTime": 1575131391.03361, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131390.693562}

[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=936.147746678 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 19 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=18, train loss <loss>=10.9492453575
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[19] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.144054
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=19, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.1440544128
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[19] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.232653
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=19, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.2326534589
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[19] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1090.45 samples/sec#011loss=11.232653
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[19] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.190658
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=19, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.1402643204
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[19] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1222.95 samples/sec#011loss=11.140264
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 335 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 382.02691078186035, "sum": 382.02691078186035, "min": 382.02691078186035}}, "EndTime": 1575131391.416161, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131391.033688}

[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=876.649359433 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 20 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=19, train loss <loss>=11.1906583959
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[20] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.614120
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=20, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.6141204834
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[20] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.965454
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=20, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9654542605
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[20] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1217.96 samples/sec#011loss=10.965454
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[20] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.028810
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=20, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.1048358917
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[20] Batch [10]#011Speed: 973.56 samples/sec#011loss=11.104836
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 333 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 387.83907890319824, "sum": 387.83907890319824, "min": 387.83907890319824}}, "EndTime": 1575131391.804478, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131391.416235}

[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=858.351303134 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 21 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=20, train loss <loss>=11.0288095474
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[21] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.710171
[11/30/2019 16:29:51 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=21, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.7101707458
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[21] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.991527
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=21, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9915272395
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[21] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1129.43 samples/sec#011loss=10.991527
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 303 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 352.0510196685791, "sum": 352.0510196685791, "min": 352.0510196685791}}, "EndTime": 1575131392.15703, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131391.804556}

[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=860.387525515 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 22 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=21, train loss <loss>=10.8595946312
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_afd195b9-b81b-481a-b83f-fc3da9cc67d7-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 20.630836486816406, "sum": 20.630836486816406, "min": 20.630836486816406}}, "EndTime": 1575131392.178267, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131392.15711}

[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[22] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.801229
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=22, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.8012285233
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[22] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.897065
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=22, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.8970645269
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[22] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1235.31 samples/sec#011loss=10.897065
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[22] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.918552
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=22, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.9443367004
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[22] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1233.26 samples/sec#011loss=10.944337
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 336 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 355.93295097351074, "sum": 355.93295097351074, "min": 355.93295097351074}}, "EndTime": 1575131392.534308, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131392.178325}

[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=943.719874562 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 23 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=22, train loss <loss>=10.9185518785
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[23] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.825591
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=23, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.8255910873
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[23] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.959688
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=23, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9596881866
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[23] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1207.47 samples/sec#011loss=10.959688
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 304 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 330.36303520202637, "sum": 330.36303520202637, "min": 330.36303520202637}}, "EndTime": 1575131392.865151, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131392.534381}

[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=919.812798202 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 24 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=23, train loss <loss>=10.7987992287
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_4d952657-a43f-4806-b881-55f084041e01-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 19.411087036132812, "sum": 19.411087036132812, "min": 19.411087036132812}}, "EndTime": 1575131392.885128, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131392.865255}

[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[24] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.502991
[11/30/2019 16:29:52 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=24, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.5029907227
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[24] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.037862
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=24, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0378623009
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[24] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1136.21 samples/sec#011loss=11.037862
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[24] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.062090
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=24, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.0911626816
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[24] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1111.99 samples/sec#011loss=11.091163
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 341 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 378.1099319458008, "sum": 378.1099319458008, "min": 378.1099319458008}}, "EndTime": 1575131393.263366, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131392.885207}

[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=901.606249338 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 25 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=24, train loss <loss>=11.0620897466
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[25] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.812670
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=25, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.812669754
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[25] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.899194
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=25, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.8991940816
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[25] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1145.95 samples/sec#011loss=10.899194
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 312 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 329.3180465698242, "sum": 329.3180465698242, "min": 329.3180465698242}}, "EndTime": 1575131393.593195, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131393.263439}

[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=947.004459947 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 26 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=25, train loss <loss>=10.7822431564
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_9b76b505-ec67-40b3-94df-bb134f1035d5-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 19.988059997558594, "sum": 19.988059997558594, "min": 19.988059997558594}}, "EndTime": 1575131393.613767, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131393.593273}

[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[26] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.912527
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=26, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.9125270844
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[26] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.956731
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=26, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9567310015
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[26] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1206.31 samples/sec#011loss=10.956731
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[26] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.084283
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=26, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.2373447418
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[26] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1168.12 samples/sec#011loss=11.237345
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 323 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 364.0120029449463, "sum": 364.0120029449463, "min": 364.0120029449463}}, "EndTime": 1575131393.977882, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131393.613821}

[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=887.077150741 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 27 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=26, train loss <loss>=11.0842827017
[11/30/2019 16:29:53 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[27] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.405628
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=27, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.4056282043
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[27] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.410955
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=27, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.4109549522
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[27] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1171.53 samples/sec#011loss=11.410955
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 318 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 337.0828628540039, "sum": 337.0828628540039, "min": 337.0828628540039}}, "EndTime": 1575131394.315439, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131393.977955}

[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=943.111383263 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 28 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=27, train loss <loss>=11.2308731079
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[28] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.775253
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=28, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.7752532959
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[28] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.065414
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=28, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0654142698
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[28] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1148.01 samples/sec#011loss=11.065414
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 310 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 341.9628143310547, "sum": 341.9628143310547, "min": 341.9628143310547}}, "EndTime": 1575131394.657948, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131394.315508}

[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=906.236249471 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 29 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=28, train loss <loss>=11.0119464874
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[29] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.090364
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=29, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.0903635025
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[29] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.968114
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=29, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9681135813
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[29] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1245.21 samples/sec#011loss=10.968114
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 316 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 319.1089630126953, "sum": 319.1089630126953, "min": 319.1089630126953}}, "EndTime": 1575131394.97759, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131394.658024}

[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=989.922319409 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 30 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=29, train loss <loss>=10.9914549828
[11/30/2019 16:29:54 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[30] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.099952
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=30, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.0999517441
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[30] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.965332
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=30, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9653320312
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[30] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1226.64 samples/sec#011loss=10.965332
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 293 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 325.0389099121094, "sum": 325.0389099121094, "min": 325.0389099121094}}, "EndTime": 1575131395.303113, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131394.977663}

[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=901.119879863 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 31 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=30, train loss <loss>=10.8014466286
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[31] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.109714
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=31, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.1097135544
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[31] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.098782
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=31, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0987817446
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[31] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1119.19 samples/sec#011loss=11.098782
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 309 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 325.37198066711426, "sum": 325.37198066711426, "min": 325.37198066711426}}, "EndTime": 1575131395.628996, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131395.303189}

[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=949.356007788 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 32 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=31, train loss <loss>=11.0050726891
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[32] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.975577
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=32, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.9755773544
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[32] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.815983
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=32, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.8159825007
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[32] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1165.20 samples/sec#011loss=10.815983
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 313 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 330.68108558654785, "sum": 330.68108558654785, "min": 330.68108558654785}}, "EndTime": 1575131395.96022, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131395.629072}

[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=946.214077417 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 33 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=32, train loss <loss>=10.7815012932
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:55 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_2dd9a9a7-00b8-449a-aa62-2ae9701037b1-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 19.906044006347656, "sum": 19.906044006347656, "min": 19.906044006347656}}, "EndTime": 1575131395.980681, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131395.960296}

[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[33] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.885527
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=33, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.8855266571
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[33] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=11.092681
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=33, batch=5 train loss <loss>=11.0926809311
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[33] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1115.08 samples/sec#011loss=11.092681
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[33] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=11.012475
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=33, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.91622715
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[33] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1119.30 samples/sec#011loss=10.916227
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 345 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 376.2049674987793, "sum": 376.2049674987793, "min": 376.2049674987793}}, "EndTime": 1575131396.356996, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131395.980739}

[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=916.768011333 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 34 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=33, train loss <loss>=11.0124746669
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[34] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.840313
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=34, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.8403129578
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[34] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.774440
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=34, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.7744396528
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[34] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1189.46 samples/sec#011loss=10.774440
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[34] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.920055
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=34, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.094792366
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[34] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1196.73 samples/sec#011loss=11.094792
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 335 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 352.2989749908447, "sum": 352.2989749908447, "min": 352.2989749908447}}, "EndTime": 1575131396.709889, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131396.357078}

[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=950.608038168 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 35 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=34, train loss <loss>=10.9200545224
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[35] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.686173
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=35, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.686173439
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[35] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.848715
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=35, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.8487146695
[11/30/2019 16:29:56 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[35] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1058.96 samples/sec#011loss=10.848715
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[35] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.778698
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=35, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.6946788788
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[35] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1053.95 samples/sec#011loss=10.694679
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 321 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 404.58083152770996, "sum": 404.58083152770996, "min": 404.58083152770996}}, "EndTime": 1575131397.114952, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131396.70996}

[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=793.207624003 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 36 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=35, train loss <loss>=10.778698401
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_0116ea36-118a-4989-b7ab-41a84fce5f3d-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 19.61493492126465, "sum": 19.61493492126465, "min": 19.61493492126465}}, "EndTime": 1575131397.135088, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131397.115025}

[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[36] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.761388
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=36, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.761387825
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[36] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.424281
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=36, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.4242806435
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[36] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1225.75 samples/sec#011loss=10.424281
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[36] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.717050
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=36, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.0683725357
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[36] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1217.64 samples/sec#011loss=11.068373
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 323 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 345.71099281311035, "sum": 345.71099281311035, "min": 345.71099281311035}}, "EndTime": 1575131397.480908, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131397.135147}

[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=934.01719999 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 37 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=36, train loss <loss>=10.7170496854
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] best epoch loss so far
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/state_eb6eba5a-a99c-4c25-9f73-934897b081a4-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 19.63210105895996, "sum": 19.63210105895996, "min": 19.63210105895996}}, "EndTime": 1575131397.501094, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131397.480983}

[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[37] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.980392
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=37, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.9803915024
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[37] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.693951
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=37, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.6939511299
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[37] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1228.86 samples/sec#011loss=10.693951
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[37] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.766361
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=37, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.8532535553
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[37] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1114.16 samples/sec#011loss=10.853254
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 346 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 365.476131439209, "sum": 365.476131439209, "min": 365.476131439209}}, "EndTime": 1575131397.866699, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131397.501155}

[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=946.428097497 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 38 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=37, train loss <loss>=10.7663613233
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[38] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.943336
[11/30/2019 16:29:57 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=38, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.9433355331
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[38] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.928860
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=38, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9288597107
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[38] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1245.15 samples/sec#011loss=10.928860
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[38] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.751878
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=38, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.5395008087
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[38] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1212.10 samples/sec#011loss=10.539501
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 334 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 355.93605041503906, "sum": 355.93605041503906, "min": 355.93605041503906}}, "EndTime": 1575131398.223124, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131397.866775}

[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=938.076110925 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 39 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=38, train loss <loss>=10.7518783916
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[39] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.241104
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=39, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.241104126
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[39] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.674151
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=39, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.6741507848
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[39] Batch [5]#011Speed: 983.99 samples/sec#011loss=10.674151
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 312 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 375.98586082458496, "sum": 375.98586082458496, "min": 375.98586082458496}}, "EndTime": 1575131398.599621, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131398.223193}

[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=829.564361432 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 40 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=39, train loss <loss>=10.7625462532
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[40] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.869785
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=40, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.8697853088
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[40] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.707974
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=40, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.7079737981
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[40] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1014.36 samples/sec#011loss=10.707974
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[40] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.762103
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=40, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.8270570755
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[40] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1179.95 samples/sec#011loss=10.827057
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 324 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 385.1900100708008, "sum": 385.1900100708008, "min": 385.1900100708008}}, "EndTime": 1575131398.985327, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131398.599699}

[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=840.900762962 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 41 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=40, train loss <loss>=10.7621025606
[11/30/2019 16:29:58 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[41] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.000257
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=41, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.0002565384
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[41] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.934035
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=41, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.9340354602
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[41] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1200.30 samples/sec#011loss=10.934035
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 306 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 347.9650020599365, "sum": 347.9650020599365, "min": 347.9650020599365}}, "EndTime": 1575131399.333776, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131398.985401}

[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=879.120496626 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 42 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=41, train loss <loss>=10.8994800568
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[42] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.722577
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=42, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.722577095
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[42] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.752093
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=42, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.7520933151
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[42] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1227.94 samples/sec#011loss=10.752093
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 314 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 323.21691513061523, "sum": 323.21691513061523, "min": 323.21691513061523}}, "EndTime": 1575131399.657482, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131399.333851}

[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=971.18650822 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 43 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=42, train loss <loss>=10.7396873474
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[43] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.040716
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=43, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.0407161713
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[43] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.671568
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=43, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.671567599
[11/30/2019 16:29:59 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[43] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1073.07 samples/sec#011loss=10.671568
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[43] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.726690
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=43, batch=10 train loss <loss>=10.7928371429
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[43] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1078.08 samples/sec#011loss=10.792837
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 342 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 369.65417861938477, "sum": 369.65417861938477, "min": 369.65417861938477}}, "EndTime": 1575131400.027668, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131399.657553}

[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=924.914045559 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 44 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=43, train loss <loss>=10.726690119
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[44] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=11.044625
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=44, batch=0 train loss <loss>=11.0446252823
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[44] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.733619
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=44, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.733619372
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[44] Batch [5]#011Speed: 965.37 samples/sec#011loss=10.733619
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[44] Batch[10] avg_epoch_loss=10.951829
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=44, batch=10 train loss <loss>=11.2136800766
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[44] Batch [10]#011Speed: 1201.88 samples/sec#011loss=11.213680
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 321 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 390.2130126953125, "sum": 390.2130126953125, "min": 390.2130126953125}}, "EndTime": 1575131400.418395, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131400.027744}

[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=822.391450467 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 45 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=44, train loss <loss>=10.9518287832
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[45] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.878129
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=45, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.8781290054
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[45] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.760768
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=45, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.7607679367
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[45] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1154.22 samples/sec#011loss=10.760768
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 320 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 336.11607551574707, "sum": 336.11607551574707, "min": 336.11607551574707}}, "EndTime": 1575131400.75503, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131400.418471}

[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=951.730033682 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 46 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=45, train loss <loss>=10.7703885078
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[46] Batch[0] avg_epoch_loss=10.351963
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=46, batch=0 train loss <loss>=10.3519630432
[11/30/2019 16:30:00 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[46] Batch[5] avg_epoch_loss=10.757680
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=46, batch=5 train loss <loss>=10.7576799393
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Epoch[46] Batch [5]#011Speed: 1133.89 samples/sec#011loss=10.757680
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] processed a total of 319 examples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"update.time": {"count": 1, "max": 352.22411155700684, "sum": 352.22411155700684, "min": 352.22411155700684}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.107782, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131400.755107}

[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #throughput_metric: host=algo-1, train throughput=905.382885068 records/second
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 47 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, epoch=46, train loss <loss>=10.7637651443
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] loss did not improve
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Loading parameters from best epoch (36)
#metrics {"Metrics": {"state.deserialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 8.539915084838867, "sum": 8.539915084838867, "min": 8.539915084838867}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.116903, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131401.107859}

[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] stopping training now
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #progress_metric: host=algo-1, completed 100 % of epochs
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Final loss: 10.7170496854 (occurred at epoch 36)
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, train final_loss <loss>=10.7170496854
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Worker algo-1 finished training.
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 WARNING 140657760761664] wait_for_all_workers will not sync workers since the kv store is not running distributed
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] All workers finished. Serializing model for prediction.
#metrics {"Metrics": {"get_graph.time": {"count": 1, "max": 108.70194435119629, "sum": 108.70194435119629, "min": 108.70194435119629}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.226341, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131401.116966}

[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Number of GPUs being used: 0
#metrics {"Metrics": {"finalize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 153.6271572113037, "sum": 153.6271572113037, "min": 153.6271572113037}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.271223, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131401.226416}

[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Serializing to /opt/ml/model/model_algo-1
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Saved checkpoint to "/opt/ml/model/model_algo-1-0000.params"
#metrics {"Metrics": {"model.serialize.time": {"count": 1, "max": 7.069826126098633, "sum": 7.069826126098633, "min": 7.069826126098633}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.278404, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131401.271295}

[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Successfully serialized the model for prediction.
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] Evaluating model accuracy on testset using 100 samples
#metrics {"Metrics": {"model.bind.time": {"count": 1, "max": 0.03695487976074219, "sum": 0.03695487976074219, "min": 0.03695487976074219}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.279076, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131401.278445}

#metrics {"Metrics": {"model.score.time": {"count": 1, "max": 417.0551300048828, "sum": 417.0551300048828, "min": 417.0551300048828}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.6961, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131401.279135}

[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, RMSE): 26350.5937694
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, mean_wQuantileLoss): 0.036173888
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.1]): 0.026595287
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.2]): 0.040024366
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.3]): 0.046109695
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.4]): 0.04796083
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.5]): 0.044627175
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.6]): 0.041932512
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.7]): 0.03474249
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.8]): 0.027418833
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #test_score (algo-1, wQuantileLoss[0.9]): 0.016153822
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, test mean_wQuantileLoss <loss>=0.0361738875508
[11/30/2019 16:30:01 INFO 140657760761664] #quality_metric: host=algo-1, test RMSE <loss>=26350.5937694
#metrics {"Metrics": {"totaltime": {"count": 1, "max": 18092.56100654602, "sum": 18092.56100654602, "min": 18092.56100654602}, "setuptime": {"count": 1, "max": 9.248971939086914, "sum": 9.248971939086914, "min": 9.248971939086914}}, "EndTime": 1575131401.711991, "Dimensions": {"Host": "algo-1", "Operation": "training", "Algorithm": "AWS/DeepAR"}, "StartTime": 1575131401.696185}

2019-11-30 16:30:13 Uploading - Uploading generated training model
2019-11-30 16:30:13 Completed - Training job completed
Training seconds: 66
Billable seconds: 66

DeepAR Deep Dive

While the training is happening, Let’s elaborate on the DeepAR model’s architecture by walking through an example. When interested in quantifying the confidence of the estimates produced, then it’s probabilistic forecasts that are wanted. The data we’re working with is real-valued, so let’s opt for the Gaussian likelihood:


\(\theta\) represents the parameters of the likelihood. In the case of Gaussian, \(\theta_t\) will represent the mean and standard deviation:

\[\theta_t = \{\mu_{t},\sigma_{t}\}.\]

The neural network’s last hidden layer results in \(h_{d,t}\). This \(h_{d,t}\) will undergo 1 activation function per likelihood parameter. For example, for the Gaussian likelihood, \(h_{d,t}\) is transformed by an affine activation function to get the mean:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\mu_{t} = w_{\mu}^T h_{d,t} + b_{\mu},\\and then :math:`h` is transformed by a softplus activation to get the\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

standard deviation:

\[\sigma_t = \log\left(1 + \exp(w_{\sigma}^T h_{d,t} + b_{\sigma})\right).\]

The activation parameters are the \(w_{\mu},b_{\mu},w_{\sigma},b_{\sigma}\) parameters within the activation functions. The NN is trained to learn the fixed constants of the activation parameters. Since the \(h_{d,t}\) output vary given each time-step’s input, this still allows the likelihood parameters to vary over time, and therefore capture dynamic behaviors in the time-series data.

DeepAR Training

DeepAR Training

From the above diagram, the green input at each time-step is the data point preceding the current time-step’s data, as well as the previous network’s output. For simplicity, on this diagram we aren’t showing covariates which would also be input.

The LSTM layers are shown in red, and the final hidden layer produces the \(h_{d,t}\) value, which we saw in the previous slide will undergo an activation function for each parameter of the specified likelihood. To learn the activation function parameters, the NN takes the \(h_{d,t}\) at time \(t\) and the data up until time \(t\), and performs Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to yield the activation parameters which maximize the likelihood at time \(t\). The blue output layer uses the SGD-optimized activation functions to output the maximum likelihood parameters.

This is how DeepAR trains its model to your data input. Now we want to DeepAR to give us probabilistic forecasts for the next time-step.

DeepAR Forecast

DeepAR Forecast

The pink line marks our current point in time, divides our training data from data not yet seen. For the first input, it can use the data point of the current time. The input will be processed by the trained LSTM layers, and subsequently get activated by the optimized activation functions to output the maximum-likelihood theta parameters at time \(t+1\).

Now that DeepAR has completed the likelihood with its parameter estimates, DeepAR can simulate Monte Carlo (MC) samples from this likelihood and produce an empirical distribution for the predicted datapoint - the probabilistic forecasts shown in purple. The MC samples produced at time \(t+1\) are used as input for time \(t+2\), etc, until the end of the prediction horizon. In the interactive plots below, we’ll see how Monte Carlo samples are able to provide us a confidence interval about the point estimate.

class DeepARPredictor(sagemaker.predictor.RealTimePredictor):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, content_type=sagemaker.content_types.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, **kwargs)

    def predict(self, ts, cat=None, dynamic_feat=None,
                num_samples=100, return_samples=False, quantiles=["0.1", "0.5", "0.9"]):
        """Requests the prediction of for the time series listed in `ts`, each with the (optional)
        corresponding category listed in `cat`.

        ts -- `pandas.Series` object, the time series to predict
        cat -- integer, the group associated to the time series (default: None)
        num_samples -- integer, number of samples to compute at prediction time (default: 100)
        return_samples -- boolean indicating whether to include samples in the response (default: False)
        quantiles -- list of strings specifying the quantiles to compute (default: ["0.1", "0.5", "0.9"])

        Return value: list of `pandas.DataFrame` objects, each containing the predictions
        prediction_time = ts.index[-1] + 1
        quantiles = [str(q) for q in quantiles]
        req = self.__encode_request(ts, cat, dynamic_feat, num_samples, return_samples, quantiles)
        res = super(DeepARPredictor, self).predict(req)
        return self.__decode_response(res, ts.index.freq, prediction_time, return_samples)

    def __encode_request(self, ts, cat, dynamic_feat, num_samples, return_samples, quantiles):
        instance = series_to_dict(ts, cat if cat is not None else None, dynamic_feat if dynamic_feat else None)

        configuration = {
            "num_samples": num_samples,
            "output_types": ["quantiles", "samples"] if return_samples else ["quantiles"],
            "quantiles": quantiles

        http_request_data = {
            "instances": [instance],
            "configuration": configuration

        return json.dumps(http_request_data).encode('utf-8')

    def __decode_response(self, response, freq, prediction_time, return_samples):
        # we only sent one time series so we only receive one in return
        # however, if possible one will pass multiple time series as predictions will then be faster
        predictions = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8'))['predictions'][0]
        prediction_length = len(next(iter(predictions['quantiles'].values())))
        prediction_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(start=prediction_time, freq=freq, periods=prediction_length)
        if return_samples:
            dict_of_samples = {'sample_' + str(i): s for i, s in enumerate(predictions['samples'])}
            dict_of_samples = {}
        return pd.DataFrame(data={**predictions['quantiles'], **dict_of_samples}, index=prediction_index)

    def set_frequency(self, freq):
        self.freq = freq

def encode_target(ts):
    return [x if np.isfinite(x) else "NaN" for x in ts]

def series_to_dict(ts, cat=None, dynamic_feat=None):
    """Given a pandas.Series object, returns a dictionary encoding the time series.

    ts -- a pands.Series object with the target time series
    cat -- an integer indicating the time series category

    Return value: a dictionary
    obj = {"start": str(ts.index[0]), "target": encode_target(ts)}
    if cat is not None:
        obj["cat"] = cat
    if dynamic_feat is not None:
        obj["dynamic_feat"] = dynamic_feat
    return obj

Deploying a realtime predictor

Next we will deploy a predictor, this may take a few minutes

predictor = estimator.deploy(

Running Predictions on the Endpoint

ABB = full_timeseries.asfreq('d')
print('Green Rides:')
print(predictor.predict(ts=ABB.loc[end_training:, 'green'], quantiles=[0.10, 0.5, 0.90], num_samples=100).head())
print('\nYellow Rides:')
print(predictor.predict(ts=ABB.loc[end_training:, 'yellow'], quantiles=[0.10, 0.5, 0.90], num_samples=100).head())
print('\nFHV Rides:')
print(predictor.predict(ts=ABB.loc[end_training:, 'full_fhv'], quantiles=[0.10, 0.5, 0.90], num_samples=100).head())
Green Rides:
                     0.1           0.5           0.9
2019-07-01   9721.018555  13791.329102  17538.664062
2019-07-02  11092.904297  14636.870117  17553.996094
2019-07-03  11470.556641  14888.299805  18519.500000
2019-07-04  11351.886719  15973.585938  20251.890625
2019-07-05  13768.468750  16813.535156  20389.726562

Yellow Rides:
                      0.1            0.5            0.9
2019-07-01  159293.500000  194948.109375  227773.562500
2019-07-02  184475.156250  215566.890625  241038.796875
2019-07-03  203786.625000  233359.468750  265797.250000
2019-07-04  210038.375000  249315.265625  285376.531250
2019-07-05  225598.546875  251787.218750  281431.187500

FHV Rides:
                    0.1          0.5          0.9
2019-07-01  585261.7500  675419.6250  758377.4375
2019-07-02  601097.9375  668050.7500  754662.2500
2019-07-03  638367.8750  716293.1875  772745.3125
2019-07-04  703654.0625  780941.1875  852240.3750
2019-07-05  768018.5625  832646.1875  923119.3750
endpoint_name = predictor.endpoint

%store ABB
%store endpoint_name
%store end_training
%store prediction_length
Stored 'ABB' (DataFrame)
Stored 'endpoint_name' (str)
Stored 'end_training' (Timestamp)
Stored 'prediction_length' (int)

We’ll show you in the next notebook, how to recreate the predictor and evaluate the results more.